Nov. 2019: Kunst trifft Handwerk

Hallo all of you out there !

I am preparing this year’s  KUNST trifft  Handwerk  which takes place the 7th December , 2019, and starts at 14.30, going on for as long as it takes!

Taking part ; 
        Jean-Jacques Schummer, ‘Bahdgé,- paintings, books
         Isabelle Salter-  ceramics,
         and myself - paintings  

It will be a delicious mixture of creative and witty ceramics, paintings, large and small,cards, and books.

As usual there will be delicious mulled wine, made by Stief, and many other Advently treats.

I hope to see some of you here, and wish you all a wonderful Advent, Christmas, and, of course, New Year.

Yours very sincerely, Prue Sheridan.


Some of my new paintings:


The Tree , acrylic , on Wood ,43X32cm

Commoedie, acrylic on  wood,32X43cm 

Companionship,  acrylic, oel pastell, on Wood, gerahmt; 43X32cm

2019 11 Companionship

Paar,   acrylic, on Wood, ; 43X32cm